Join us in supporting our friends and neighbors impacted by the partial government shutdown. Donations made through this site will be used to purchase $20 Walmart gift cards that furloughed federal employees can use for essentials in their homes.
Cash and check donations are welcomed as well, please visit us at 500 Market Street to make in-person donations.
Starting on Tuesday, January 21st furloughed federal employees can pick up a gift card at the Portsmouth Visitor Center located at 500 Market Street, Monday through Friday from 9 - 5. Availability will be one per person and based on the donations received. Federal employees will need to show their work id and their $0 pay stub.
Any unused donations or gift cards will be donated to Operation Blessing to aid their ongoing work to fight poverty and addiction by embracing people and families in crisis with compassion, offering hope and healing for changed lives.
Questions? Contact us at (603) 610-5510. Thank you for your generosity.