Friday Feb 4, 2022 Saturday Feb 5, 2022
Friday February 4, 2022 9am-7pm, and Saturday February 5, 2022 9am-4pm
DoubleTree Hotel, Downtown Manchester, 700 Elm Street, Manchester NH
$10 per person
Kelly Bryer, Expo Manager
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Friday February 4, 2022 9am-7pm, and Saturday February 5, 2022 9am-4pm DoubleTree Hotel, Downtown Manchester, 700 Elm Street, Manchester NH This in-person, family-friendly event, open to the public, features a variety of engaging exhibitors, educational workshops and demonstrations of interest to industry members and home-owners alike, live animals, children’s programs and activities, and a new Garden/Landscaping Skills Showcase area. Admission includes everything at $10 per person; ages 12 and under will be admitted for free. Tickets are available online now. As a special thank you, all pre-purchased tickets will be entered into a special drawing for a get-away at the Inn at East Hill Farm, in Troy NH. More details are on our website. The New Hampshire Farm, Forest and Garden Expo is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and provides information and education on all aspects of agriculture and forestry by bringing the state’s farming and forestry communities together to share ideas and views on industry needs, while providing a fun and interesting venue for the public to learn about these industries and their impact on life in New Hampshire. Exhibitors, workshop presenters and sponsorship inquiries are welcomed! All COVID protocols will be strictly followed and include increased buffer space between exhibitors. The New Hampshire Farm, Forest & Garden Exposition founding sponsors are the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, the NH Division of Forests & Lands and the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. Additional event sponsors include Granite State Dairy Promotion, LEF Farms, Farm Credit East and Best Read Guide.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the The Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth for more information.
500 Market St., Portsmouth, NH 03801 – (603) 610-5510 –