Saturday Oct 14, 2023 Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Saturday Oct 14 6:00 to Sunday Oct 15 2:00 am
New Hampshire Theatre Project 959 Islington St Portsmouth NH 03801
Free, but donations gratefully accepted
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FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY To celebrate the Halloween season, we will be holding a movie marathon of 4 very different horror films that will not be announced until that night as each begins playing on the screen. What will they be? Only those who join us will find out... These carefully selected films will be sure to take you on a wild ride filled with terror, laughs and shock, as you try to make it through the night. Come for one film or come for all. Enjoy the refreshments to keep you going as we celebrate the "scary season" at NHTP! Admission is free for all screenings and donations are appreciated. Refreshments will be available for sale. Thanks to our sponsor Jetpack Comics of Rochester who will be also giving all audience members a $5 gift certificate to their store and perhaps a surprise involving horror comic books!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the The Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth for more information.
500 Market St., Portsmouth, NH 03801 – (603) 610-5510 –