Port City Chiropractic
100 Griffin Road, Unit C
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone: (603) 433-2447
Free for members, $10 for future members
Business After Hours at Port City Chi...
Join us to mix and mingle at our monthly Business After Hours.
Port City Chiropractic has got a new home in the Port City--and it's just around the 1-year mark. After 16 years at 10 Vaughan Mall, Dr. Shawn Shapiro is now providing natural chiropractic care at 100 Griffin Road, Unit C.
Come meet Dr. Shawn, his staff eat, drink and talk Halloween with us all!
The Griffin Road location is convenient to anywhere on the Seacoast, easy on easy off 95, and very close to the Pease Tradeport.
Visit www.portcitychiro.com and call (603) 433-2447 to learn more about Port City Chiropractic and click register to sign up to join us on Thursday, Oct. 28!