Children of the Grim By Billy Butler Directed and produced by Bitter Pill Bitter Pill is back at the Players Ring Theatre with a brand new theatrical presentation for the first time in four years since their bloody successful production of William Shakespeare's, "Titus Andronicus Musicus" in 2018. "Children of the Grim," is a neo-gothic musical staging of original and traditional children's stories, nursery rhymes, and folk songs. Suitable for macabre children of all ages, Bitter Pill uses classic story-telling, puppetry, theatre, multi-media, and music to create a unique theatrical experience. Stories and songs from 17th century nursery rhymes, Mother Goose, Brothers Grimm, Kafka and Kipling as well as brand new original tunes. "Children of the Grim" is a sardonic alternative to the usual sugar-coated children’s theatre and the Bitter Pill ensemble is just weird enough to engage all ages.