• Title

  • Member Application

    Welcome, we are glad you are here.

    Whether it’s for the community, the seminars, the extra credibility it lends your business, the morning mixers and business after hours—or frankly, all of the above—we welcome you. You’re in the right place, at the right time. Never before have we been so connected online and so disconnected in real life. Come out and join us, be part of the Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth, because it’s more than signing on the dotted line and paying dues. It’s giving of yourself, learning from others and excelling in the business community we are all a part of.

    Membership Rates are available in the Membership Options Section.

    Step 1:

    Member Info
    Please add your company name.
    Please add your company phone number.
    Please add a valid email.
    Physical Address
    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Mailing Address
    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Social Network Addresses

    Step 2:

    Additional Info
    Please select a directory category.
    Please add your number of full-time employees.
    Please add your number of part-time employees.
    Looks good!
    Looks good!
    Voluntary Identity Disclosure - For Internal Use Only

    Step 3:

    Primary Contact
    Please add your first name.
    Please add your last name.
    Please add your phone number.
    Please add a valid email.

    Contact Preference

    Please add your address.
    Please add your country.
    Please add your City.
    Please add your State.
    Please add your Postal Code.
    Create Account
    Please add your login password.

    Step 4:

    Billing Contact

    Contact Preference

    Create Account

    Step 5:

    Membership Package
    Please select a Membership Package
    Please complete the Captcha